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堕落女巫:传奇英雄 风暴之子MOD

时间:2013-06-02 16:19:43
  • 来源:3DM论坛-fcz1234
  • 作者:fcz1234
  • 编辑:ChunTian





120+ new magical items 120+ 新魔法物品

17 new events    17 件新事件

12 new fantasy factions  12 个全新派系

34 new fantasy champions  34 个全新英雄

18 new monsters and their lairs, and 5 of those are recruitable monsters 18 个全新怪物及巢穴 其中5种是协作性怪物

4 new types of rivers and lots of new stamps featuring arctic and burning lands terrain 4种全新的河流和一堆新贴图

.. and much more (items, traits, mounts to mention a few things)

Custom Sovereigns and Races能够定制自己的国家和派系(大概内容就是这个还不成熟,很多国家相关东西被写进底层代码,还没有完全发掘出来)

There are no known issues with using Custom Sovereigns for the factions in this mod. When designing Drota or Centaur sovereigns, remember to select the base found under Appearance->Equipment->Mount.

Players are advised that creating custom factions based on these factions is not recommended. Many faction abilities are "hardcoded", that is to say, they are built into the underlying structure of the faction and cannot be easily toggled on or off by just adding or removing faction abilities. This was done because it enables the mod to do more interesting stuff that isn't possible to do from faction abilities. If you really want to build custom factions based on these factions, get ready to dig into the XML.


To install this mod, a 64-bit capable computer with at least 4GB memory is recommended.需要64位系统和至少4GB存储空间

If you are running into problems with missing graphics (missing models, missing forests, missing swamps) run the game as administrator once after installing the mod.如果安装完成后发现图形或者模型丢失,请运行管理员模式。

Full installation instructions can be found in Readme.txt in the downloaded file.查阅Readme可以看到所有的安装指令

Un-installing and official patches卸载及官方补丁(每当游戏更新时记得及时更新)

It is recommended that you always delete all the folders in your /Mods/ folder when updating the main game. No part of Children of Storm is automagically updated, it requires a new download whenever a new patch of the main game is released.


Various people have helped with different bits. I have tried to include everyone who have made more than a "comment" in the past. If you feel your name is missing, contact me.

seanw3 - spitballing and feedback

EviliroN - proof-reading and ideas

Aeron Astari - art for Reliquary items

RavenX - skin for elves and zombies

Murteas - Quest Wizard, Logos for Elves, Living Stone, Gnomes, Frost Giants, Lizardmen

fsemprini - Icons for Reliquary

jshores - tiles and ideas


win8 64-bit 运行...到目前为止还不错 [ 感觉图形有所提升 ]

已有38人评分 您还未评分!
  • 类型:策略游戏
  • 发行:Stardock
  • 发售:2013-05-31
  • 开发:Stardock Entertainment
  • 语言:简中 | 英文
  • 平台:PC
  • 标签:魔幻写实回合制

玩家点评 0人参与,0条评论)




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