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闪乱神乐:少女们的证明 福利人物MOD 萝莉爆乳MOD

时间:2016-06-11 14:03:09
  • 来源:3DM论坛-小栗·旬
  • 作者:售梦者
  • 编辑:售梦者

闪乱神乐:少女们的证明 福利人物MOD 萝莉爆乳MOD


Just taking what I have learned from other people on other forums on hex editing and getting it out there! I have only done the 5 girls from Hanzo school so far but will do them all (and eventually diff size groups). Some other people may be working on a tool to spare us the hassle of hex editing to do this. For now this should add some "big" fun to the battle... lol I will add more zips when I finish more girls. This goes along nicely with the Uncensor and Nude mods other users already have going!!!

Click below to learn to do your own Hex editing for SKSV!

***Here is a link to a mini guide I wrote with what I learned from a users post on LL***

I should add I had no prior knowledge of hex editing before this, so it is not too hard.

Also I want to thank the user Knaeggchen from LL for their post on how to do the editing.

Here is Asuka (all girls have the same size tweaks) - Breast, Thigh, Pelvis

The zip and 7z files contain the folder structure for root of SKSV dir. Make sure you backup your Original first!

闪乱神乐:少女们的证明 福利人物MOD 萝莉爆乳MOD



已有22人评分 您还未评分!
  • 类型:动作游戏
  • 发行:XSEED/Marvelous USA, Inc.
  • 发售:2016-06-02(PC)
  • 开发:Tamsoft
  • 语言:繁中 | 日文
  • 平台:PC 掌机
  • 标签:二次元美少女

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