- 来源:网络
- 作者:墨非
- 编辑:墨非

图标 | 说明 |
Unlock all trophies 解锁全部奖杯 |
The Great Escape(大逃亡)
Escape all Classic prisons. 逃出所有传统监狱 |
Craft 50 unique items. 制作50件物品 |
I've got a cunning plan...(完美计划)
Perform 7 unique escapes across the Classic prisons. 使用7种不同的方法逃出所有传统监狱 |
Max out all 3 character statistics. 角色的3项数值均达到最大 |
I'm the Daddy(我才是爸爸)
Knock out every inmate at least once in a single prison. 在一座监狱中击晕每个狱友至少一次 |
The Mobile Escapist(移动脱逃者)
Escape all Transport prisons. 逃出所有(3所)运输监狱 |
Online Enforcer(在线行刑人)
Win 10 Online Versus Games. 赢得10场在线对战 |
Bad Intentions Part 2(不怀好意 第二章)
Knockout 50 Guards. 击晕50名守卫 |
Drying Out(失去水分)
Escape the H.M.P Offshore prison. 逃出离岸皇家监狱 |
Holiday Blues(节日综合征)
Escape the Centre Perks 2.0 prison. 逃出中央公园2.0监狱 |
One Pixellated Step...(一个像素的距离……)
Escape the U.S.S Anomaly prison. 逃出异象号监狱 |
Escaping Is My Forte(脱逃是我的长项)
Escape the Rattlesnake Springs prison. 逃出响尾蛇之泉监狱 |
A Camp Departure(离开营地)
Escape the K.A.P.O.W Camp prison. 逃出K.A.战俘营监狱 |
Chilled out(冷茎下来)
Escape the Fort Tundra prison. 逃出苔原堡垒监狱 |
Bad Intentions(不怀好意)
Knockout 100 inmates. 击晕100名狱友 |
Music Maestro(音乐大师)
Play a song for 1 hour of prison time. 演奏一件乐器,持续1小时游戏内时间 |
To Me, To You(为了我,为了你)
Enter a multiplayer only area. 进入多人区域 |
Tell me what's your favour(告诉我你的请求)
Complete 100 favours. 完成100个请求 |
Good Intentions(我是好人)
Go 3 consecutive days without raising your Guard Heat above 0 in a single session. 连续3天你的警卫警戒值不超过0 |
Riot Act(防暴法)
Play a Versus game online. 游玩一次在线对战模式 |
Open Prison(开放的囚犯)
Play a Classic game online. 游玩一次在线经典模式 |
Crook Of All Trades(骗子的交易)
Complete the quota once for each of the jobs over multiple prisons/sessions. 完成每个任务的限额至少一次 |
Man's Worst Friend(人类最糟糕的的朋友)
Get mauled by a guard dog. 被警犬伤害 |
Man's Best Friend(人类最好的朋友)
Gain a high enough opinion from a dog. 从一只狗那里获得足够高的好感 |
Are you lonesome tonight?(你今晚寂寞吗?)
Spend 3 days total time in solitary over multiple prisons/sessions. 独自度过3天牢狱 |
The cake is a lie?(蛋糕是谎言吗?)
Attack a guard with a cake. 使用蛋糕攻击一名守卫 |
Pour us a brew will yer, love?(小可爱,陪我们来一杯?)
Make a cup of tea and.jpgt it to another inmate or guard. 为一位狱友或守卫制作一杯茶 |
I am your father...
(我是你的爸爸……) Fight another player in the U.S.S Anomaly, when you are both armed with energy swords. 当你们同时装备光剑的时候,在太空监狱同另一位玩家对战。 |
All Mod Cons(Mod的所有缺点)
Use a customised character in-game. 在游戏中使用一位自定义角色 |
Soap on a Rope(捡肥皂)
Spend 3 days total time in the showers over multiple prisons/sessions. 在监狱浴室中花费3天时间 |
Call of Snooty(思诺迪的呼唤)
Escape H.M.P. Offshore on Snooty the Dolphin 从思诺迪海豚逃出离岸皇家监狱 |
Naked Lunch(裸体午餐)
Attend dinner whilst being naked. 在进餐时裸体 |
The Naked Chef(裸体厨师)
Complete a quota of the Kitchen job whilst being naked. 在裸体状态下完成厨房工作限额 |
Artful Dodger(狡猾的躲避者)
Craft an item. 制作一件物品 |
Keep It Clean!(保持洁净!)
Tag 200 places throughout any prison. 在任何一座监狱标记200个地点 |
Criminal Mastermind(犯罪天才)
Max out the Intellect statistic. 智力达到最大 |
Ripped on the inside(内部撕裂)
Max out the Strength statistic. 力量达到最大 |
The Olympian(奥运选手)
Max out the Fitness statistic. 有氧运动达到最大 |
Dr. Love(爱心医生)
Get whisked away by a hunky medic. 被一位医生移走 |
I want to Believe...(我相信......)
Escape the Area 17 prison. 逃出17区监狱 |

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