Square Enix公布其E3参展游戏阵容
- 作者:newtype2001
- 编辑:ChunTian
Square Enix公布了自他们参加E3展会以来所拿出的最为丰盛的游戏阵容:
The 3rd Birthday 寄生前夜 (PSP - TBD)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 杀出重围3:人类革命 (PC/Xbox 360/PS3 - 2011)
Dungeon Siege 地牢围攻新作 (PC/Xbox 360/PS3 - TBD)
Final Fantasy XIV 最终幻想14 (PC/PS3 - 2010)
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light 最终幻想:光之四英雄 (DS - October 5, 2010)
Front Mission Evolved 前线任务:进化 (PC/Xbox 360/PS3 - September 14, 2010)
Kane & Lynch: Dog Days 凯恩与林奇2:伏天 (PC/Xbox 360/PS3 - August 24th, 2010)
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (PSP - September 7th, 2010)
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (DS - TBD)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 劳拉与光之守护者 (PC/Xbox 360/PS3 - Summer 2010)
The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Chaotic Conflicts (Wii - June 21, 2010)
The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Puzzling Pages (Wii - June 21, 2010)
E3 2010将于6月15日至17日在洛杉矶会议中心举行,Square Enix的展厅在南大厅的1647号位,当然这条信息对于大多数国内玩家来说没有用吧。

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