越来越吓人了 电子游戏中僵尸样貌30年间演化史
- 来源:3DM新闻组-skylark
- 作者:skylark
- 编辑:豆角
1984: The Evil Dead (Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
1984: Zombie Zombie (ZX Spectrum)
1986: Ghosts 'N Goblins (NES)
1989: Beast Busters (Arcade)
1989: Monster Party (NES)
1990: Horror Zombies from the Crypt (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
1990: Zombi (Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum); Original Version Published in 1986 for Amstrad CPC
1990: Zombie Nation (NES)
1991: Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (Amiga, DOS, FM Towns, Mac OS)
1991: Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (SNES)
1993: Isle of the Dead (DOS)
1993: Zombie Apocalypse (Amiga)
1993: Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES, Genesis)
1995: Alone in the Dark 3 (DOS, Mac OS, Windows)
1995: Area 51 (Arcade)
1996: The House of the Dead (Arcade)
1996: 生化危机(PlayStation)
1997: Blood (DOS)
1997: Nightmare Creatures (Nintendo 64, PlayStation, Windows)
1998: MediEvil (PlayStation)
2002: Resident Evil Gaiden (Game Boy Color)
2005: Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse (Xbox, Mac, PC)
2006: 丧尸围城(Xbox 360)
2007: Dead Head Fred (PSP)
2007: Touch the Dead (DS)
2008: 使命召唤5:世界战争(PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
2008:死亡空间(PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
2008: 求生之路(Xbox 360, PC)
2008: Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ (DS)
2009:求生之路2 (Xbox 360, PC)
2009:我的世界 (PC)
2010: Rock of the Dead (Wii, PS3, Xbox 360)
2011: 死亡岛 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Mac, Linux)
2012: 电锯糖心(PS3, Xbox 360)
2012: Oneechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad 2 (Xbox 360)
2012/2013: 生化危机:启示录 (3DS, Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
2012: 行尸走肉(PC, Mac, PS3, Xbox 360, iOS)
2012: ZombiU (Wii U)
2013: 最后生还者 (PS3)
2014: 植物大战僵尸:花园战争(Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, PS4, PS3)
2014: 恶灵附身 (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, PS4, PS3)
2015: DayZ (Upcoming on PS4)

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