第二十三关:古堡大门(Level23 -Citadel Gate)第一次Lara来到军士(Azizus)的身边Azizus:What in God's name has happened here? Where are the rest of my men?【到底发生了什么事?我剩下的士兵都去了哪里?】Lara:I banged into a couple of them. They appear to have sealed off all of the exits.【我倒是撞见了几个。看样子他们已经封锁了这里所有的出口。】Azizus:Yes, yes. This, this is good. You must help us to. . . to. . . to. . . liberate the cit
第十三关:亚历山大(Level 13 – Alexandria)第一次来到亚历山大,上楼,找到了JeanJean:Lara! You are alive! I feared for you. What’s…【Lara!你还活着!我好担心你啊,究竟发生了……】(Jean显然是想问“What's happened”——发生了什么事)Lara:Von Croy has the amulet.【Von Croy拿到了护身符。】Jean:Ahh, this is bad. But he doesn’t yet have the armor; there is still time to prepare for Seth.【啊,太糟糕了。但是他还没有得到铠甲。我们还有时间对付赛特。】Lara:Jean, I am tire
第九关:圣湖(Level 9 – Sacred Lake)本关结束,Lara进入墓穴,身后忽然传来Von Croy的声音Von Croy:Miss Croft!【Croft小姐!】Lara:Von Croy……Von Croy:You sound concerned, my dear. Have you misplaced something?【听上去你有点心事嘛,亲爱的。你是不是把什么东西放错地方了?】Lara:Nothing I shan’t be retrieving at a later date, Liebe. You know how I admire your perseverance.【没有什么东西是我以后找不回来的,先生。但我实在钦佩您的韧性。】(在这里“you know”是一个毫无实际意义的
第四关:墓室(Level 4 – Burial Chambers)本关结束,Lara拿出护身符阅读上面的文字I, Semerkhet, high priest of Horus, forewarned that he who removes the amulet shall have released Seth. He who walked abroad with the jackal at the dawn of man shall once again violate the earth...【我,塞米尔卡特(Semerkhet),太阳神荷露斯的最高祭司,在此警告,谁移动了护身符,势必释放了邪恶的赛特。这个从史前时代起就与豺狼为伍的恶神将再次侵犯这个世界……】(关于赛特:很多台词中都把他写成“Set”,而官
本关开始Werner:And now for the last. You are an exemplary student Lara, although you have not yet learned the root of all adventuring, the craving to win, at whatever cost. I throw down the gauntlet to you, my child. Whoever is first to the Iris claims the prize.【现在是最后的考验了,你是一个相当出色的学生,Lara。但是你还没有把冒险的根本所在学到手。那就是对胜利的渴望,无论代价如何。现在我向你下战书,我的孩子。谁先到达彩虹女神(Iris)那里,谁就能得到这份
古墓丽影4:最后的启示(Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation)根据埃及神话,太阳之神荷露斯(Horus)战胜了邪恶之神赛特(Seth),并将它封印在一个秘密的古墓……五千年后,劳拉意外的发现了这座古墓,并无意间将赛特放出。劳拉必须找到荷露斯的护身符重新将赛特监禁起来。在埃及各处古墓、神庙探险的同时,劳拉还需与被赛特控制了的自己的探险导师——探险考古学家Werner Von Croy教授——争夺护身符!关卡 柬埔寨(Cambodia)- 吴哥窑(Angkor Watt)- 竞逐彩虹女神(Race for the Iris)国王谷(Valley of the Kings)- 塞特之墓(Tomb of Seth)- 墓室(Burial Chambers)- 国王谷(V