- 类型:动作游戏
- 发行:Electronic Arts
- 发售:2006-03-14
- 开发:EA Pacific
- 语言:繁中 | 英文
- 平台:PC
- 标签:EA游戏
- 来源:3DMGAME
- 作者:不死鸟
- 编辑:ChunTian
Last Gasp Execution - Strangle someone to death (L3 + R3)
最后的喘息执行 –用空手掐死敌人(L3 + R3)
Overcooked Execution - Throw someone into a furnace (at a bakers or undertakers)
火化执行 – 将敌人丢入火炉烧死(在面包店或殡仪馆)
Road Rage Execution - Run somebody over
复仇之“道”执行 – 开车辗死敌人
Silent Assassin Execution - Kill someone with a Garrote
刺客战场执行 – 用绞链绞死敌人(不能被敌人发现你的前提下,通常从敌人的背后下手)
WireStained Glass Execution - Throw someone out of a window (throw from a grapple,not push)
金属线染色玻璃执行 – 将敌人丢出窗外(在扭打中丢出,不是用推的)
Watch Your Step Execution - Push (hold them over ledge with grapple,then push R3 up) someone off a ledge
安全第一执行 – 把敌人推落高台(抓住敌人到高台边,然后将R3向上推)
Traffic Accident Execution - Throw someone in front of a car
车祸意外执行 – 将敌人丢给车撞死
Wallpapered Execution - Bang someone into a wall
壁纸执行 – 抓敌人猛撞墙壁致死
Hats Off Execution - R2 execute someone with a pistol whilst they are on their knees
脱帽执行 – 当敌人帽子掉了(或跪下时),萤幕会提示R2(处决),这时用手枪按R2处死
Pistol Execution - R2 execute with a pistol while they are stood up
手枪执行 – 当敌人站起来的时候,这时用手枪按R2处死
Face Off Execution - R2 execute someone with a tommy gun whilst they are on their knees
变脸执行 – 当敌人跪下时,用冲锋枪(tommy gun)按R2处死
Gut Shot Execution - Shoot someone in the gut
开肠破肚执行 – 朝敌人的肚子一直射击致死
Disarmed Execution - Shoot someone in the shoulder to disarm them
卸装执行 – 射击敌人的肩膀,以解除敌人的武装
Kneecapped Execution - Shoot someone in the kneecap so they fall to their knees
射击膝盖执行- 射击敌人的膝盖,迫使敌人下跪
Firearm Execution - Kill someone with a gun
枪杆子执行 – 用枪杀死敌人
Sure Shot Execution - Shoot someone dead (in one shot? in head)
一枪毙命执行 – 射杀敌人(只开一枪,爆头)
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