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《沙加:Emerald Beyond》图文攻略 流程梳理及收集品位置攻略

时间:2024-04-26 21:48:28
  • 来源:3DM攻略站
  • 作者:耳目一心
  • 编辑:速攻组




宫古城场景(Miyako City)

1: 出场剧情(Scenario Intro)

2: 战斗教程(Tutorial Battle)

3: 十字路扫描(Scan at the Junction)


纲则的普尔克拉魔域场景(Mido Witchdom Pulchra)

1: 前往天堂之门(Head to Heaven's Door)

2: 扫描普尔克拉魔域(Scan at Witchdom Pulchra)

3: 青春之树(Tree of Youth)

4: 白狮女士(White Lion Womb)

5: 暖房(Greenhouse)

6: 火焰城堡(Flame Fortress)

7: 白石矿(White Ore Mine)

8: 曙光风车(Twilight Windmill)

9: 烧焦的塔(Scorching Tower)

10: 黑水之门(Black Water Gate)

11: 土沟(Earth Grooves)

12: 黑天鹅城堡(Black Swan Castle)

13: 强大之物(Something Powerful)

14: 深蓝森林的精灵(Spirit of the Deep Blue Forest)

15: 普通之灵(A Normal Spirit)

16: 虚弱之灵(A Weak Spirit)

17: 灯塔(Tower of Light)

18: 十字路口(Junction)


纲则格雷龙场景(Mido Grelon)

【1】普通路线(Common Route)

1: 流浪的男孩(Wandering Boy)

2: 解救莱雅(Rescuing Frozen Leia)

3: BOSS战(Boss Branching Route)

【2】铁娘子路线(Iron Maiden Route)

4: 解救桑德里娜(Rescuing Frozen Sandrine)

5: 解救冰封的埃斯佩兰斯(Rescuing Frozen Esperance)

6: 解救冰封的雷米(Rescuing Frozen Remi)

7: 解救冰封的维吉尔(Rescuing Frozen Virgil)

8: 解救冰封的盖布瑞尔(Rescuing Frozen Gabriel)

9: 山顶的索道小屋(Ropeway Hut at the Top of the Mountain)

10: 用过10根火柴后的选择(Options After You Use Up 10 Matches)

11:冰殿大门的奥秘( Mystery of the Ice Palace Gate)

12: 调查员盖布瑞尔的担忧(Investigator Gabriel's Concerns)

13: 探索大矿洞(Exploring of the Great Mine)

14: 探索教堂废墟(Exploring the Church Ruins)

15: 探索公共沐浴废墟(Exploring the Public Bath Ruins)

16: 探索碳矿区(Exploring the Coal Mine)

17: 打开宫殿大门1Unsealing the Palace Gate (1)

18: 调查博物馆Museum Investigation

19: 调查图书馆Library Investigation

20: 纪晓姆战场Guillaume’s Field

21: 探索铜矿区Exploring the Copper Mines

22: 维吉尔的请求Virgil’s Request

23: 探索瞭望塔废墟Exploring the Watchtower Ruins

24: 打开宫殿大门2Unseal the Palace Gate (2)

25: 放下木梯Lowering the Ladder

26: 末代皇帝的真相-铁娘子The Final Emperor’s Truth (Iron Maiden)


27: 强者The Mighty One

28: 强大的灵魂Spirit Too Strong

29: 普通的灵魂A Normal Spirit

30: 脆弱的灵魂A Weak Spirit

31: 离开天堂Exit to Heaven

32: 十字路口Junction


33: 解救冰封的玛丽安Rescuing Frozen Marion

34: 解救冰封的艾瑞克Rescuing Frozen Eric

35: 解救冰封的纪晓姆Rescuing Frozen Guillaume

36: 解救冰封的罗曼Rescuing Frozen Roman

37: 解救冰封的摩根Rescuing Frozen Morgan

38: 直到与末代皇帝的最后一战-亚历山大Until the Battle Against Final Emperor (Alexandre)

39: 研究者雷亚的学识Knowledge of Researcher Leia

40: 摩根的邀请Morgan’s Invitation

41: 末代皇帝的真相The Final Emperor’s Truth (Alexandre)

42: 十字路口灵魂之战Spirit Battle to the Junction


43: 末代皇帝的真相-雷亚The Final Emperor’s Truth (Leia)

44: 十字路口灵魂之战Spirit Battle to the Junction


1: 扫描找到战场Scan to Find the Battlefield

2: 尘封的城堡Sealed Castle

3: 关于BOSS分支和可召唤角色About Boss Branching and Recruitable Characters

4: 欲望的尽头The End of Lust

5: 狼嚎Wolf Howling

6: 热情的终结The End of Devouring

7: 暴食乐园The Bliss of Gluttony

8: 贪吃喂养Gluttonous Feeding

9: 热情之战Battle of Devouring

10: 愤怒的终结The End of Wrath

11: 懒惰的尽头The End of Laziness

12: 打开城堡Opening the Castle

13: 强者The Mighty One

14: 邪恶灵魂The Sinister Spirit

15: 平庸的灵魂Ordinary Spirit

16: 脆弱的灵魂Weak Spirit

17: 废料场Boneyard

米多优米(Mido Yomi)

1: 扫描战场(Scan to Find the Battlefield)

2: 尘封的城堡(Sealed Castle)

3: 关于BOSS战和可招募队友(About Boss Branching and Recruitable Characters)

4: 欲望的尽头The End of Lust

5: 狼嚎Wolf Howling

6: 热情的终结The End of Devouring

7: 暴食乐园The Bliss of Gluttony

8: 贪吃喂养Gluttonous Feeding

9: 热情之战Battle of Devouring

10: 愤怒的终结The End of Wrath

11: 懒惰的尽头The End of Laziness

12: 打开城堡Opening the Castle

13: 强者The Mighty One

14: 邪恶灵魂The Sinister Spirit

15: 平庸的灵魂Ordinary Spirit

16: 脆弱的灵魂Weak Spirit

17: 废料场Boneyard


到达代尔塔基地After Arriving at Delta Base

中央电梯Central Lift (1)

黄色学院Yellow Division

力量测试A Test of Strength

黄色学院电梯Yellow Division Lift

黄色学院采访Yellow Division’s Interviews

黄金管理员正在等待Administrator Gold is Waiting

发明工厂Invention Workshop

黄色学院研究员1Yellow Division Researcher (1)

红色学院Red Division

红色学院电梯Red Division Lift

生物芯片的奥秘The Mystery of the Biochip

依然是那个黄色学院的研究员Still the Yellow Division Researcher

黄色学院的研究员Yellow Division Researcher (2)


等待工头Waiting Overseer

试验品098Specimen 098

试验品507Specimen 507

试验品056Specimen 056

绿色学院Green Division

绿色学院研究员占星家Green Division Researcher Magus

绿色学院电梯Green Division Lift

从另一个维度抓住猫Catch the Cat from Another Dimension!

绿色学院研究员-1Green Division Researcher (1)

低温休眠区Cryosleep Area

绿色学院研究员Green Division Researcher (2)

连接装置Connection Device

关于小路分叉路About Route Branching

黏菌的成长Growth of Slime Mold

参加灭菌实验Participating in the Exterminating the Slime Mold

在红色学院工作Working with the Red Division

与试验品303一决胜负Showdown with Specimen No. 303

进一步信息Further Information

被抓的队友Captive Alien

留下的问题What Was Left Behind

脆弱的灵魂A Weak Spirit

强大的灵魂1A Strong Spirit (1)

强大的灵魂2A Strong Spirit (2)

强大的灵魂3A Strong Spirit (3)

危险的灵魂A Dangerous Spirit

黄金监督员正在等候Overseer Gold is Waiting

中央电梯2Central Lift (2)

十字路口的门Junction Door



文明的曙光Dawn of Civilization

融合实验中的生命Life Form Fusion Experiment

样本440Specimen 440

新监督者New Overseer


生命的奥秘The Mystery of Life

奥利哈康骷髅样本Orichalcum Skeleton Specimen

信息控制面板Information Control Panel

停止骷髅样本Stop the Skeletal Specimen


玩家点评 0人参与,0条评论)




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