- 来源:互联网
- 作者:皮卡王
- 编辑:ChunTian

Tower of Babble 彩蛋奖杯
Step 1: All 4 players build a turbine in the starting room
第一步 4个玩家全部在出生地建造一个turbine
Step 2: At least one player needs an EMP grenade. You can get one from the mystery box at the second bus stop. It's completely random which weapon you get.
第二步 至少一个玩家从箱子里抽出EMP手雷
Step 3: Go to the fourth bus stop where the power station (bunker) is located. Turn on the power here.
第三步 来到第4站的地堡里打开电源
Step 4: Turn off the power immediately.
第四步 然后再关掉电源
Step 5: Go outside and follow the road to the left through the fog until you reach a cornfield. Run around the cornfield until you find an entrance between the plants. In the cornfield is a huge pylon. At least 2 players (one of them with the EMP grenade) have to go here!
第5步 然后来到玉米地,至少有两个玩家来到 pylon(其中一个必须拥有EMP手雷)
Step 6: Look above until you see the and hear the thunderstorm.
第6步 观察上空等待打雷
Step 7: Once the thunderstorm is above you, kill the last zombie to start the next round.
第七步 一旦落雷, 立刻杀死最后杀死最后一个僵尸开始新的一轮
Step 8: The electricity zombie, a.k.a. "him" has a 50% spawn chance when the thunderstorm is right above you. If he spawns you have to set up two turbines below the pylon immediately and kill him with the EMP grenade. The two turbines have to survive! Watch out that no zombies destroy them. Leave one zombie alive at the end of this round.
第八步 充电僵尸50%的概率出现,一旦他出现,立即架起 turbine并用EMP手雷杀死他。注意 turbine不能被僵尸摧毁,而且一定要留一个僵尸,不能全杀完
Step 9: Player A & B stay at the pylon to protect their turbines and to distract the remaining zombie. Player C goes to bus stop 2 "The Diner" and sets up his turbine next to the teleport lantern. Player D goes to bus stop 5 "The Bank" and sets up his turbine next to teleport lantern there as well. The bank lantern is in the fog around the Bank area.
第九步 AB两个玩家留在pylon并牵制僵尸,C玩家来到第2站的餐厅在传送点放置turbine,D玩家来到第5站银行在传送点放置turbine。银行的传送点是在迷雾中,注意寻找
Step 10: If everything was done properly all 4 players will now get the trophy.
第十步 如果一切都作对了,那4个玩家会全部拿到这个奖杯。

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