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时间:2009-01-18 00:50:57
  • 作者:不死鸟
  • 编辑:ChunTian


House Objects / Themes(家具/风格)

scientist theme                           0007C120

Explorer theme                            0007C121

Vault theme                               0007C122

Pre-war theme                             0007C123

Raider theme                              0007C124

Love Machine Theme                        000C7AF0

Jukebox                                   0007C125

My First Infirmary                        0007C128

My First Laboratory                       0007C127

Nuka-Cola Machine                         0007C126

Workbench                                 0007C11D


Love machine 性爱机器: 添加一个华丽的大床, 一对女女XX姿势的吊灯

Vault 避难所: 避难所里能见到的东西, 大概相当于2077年的时候

Raider 掠夺者: 屠夫风格, 血迹和残肢, 和游戏里的场景一样, 邪恶的人首选

Explorer 探险者:

Science 科技: 类似实验室的风格

Pre-war 战前: 50年代的风格



Keller Hollotape 1                        0003D7F9

Keller Hollotape 2                        0003D7FA

Keller Hollotape 3                        0003D7FB

Keller Hollotape 4                        0003D7FC

Keller Hollotape 5                        0003D7FD

Dad's Hollotape                           00023FC8



Carol's Supply Key                        00031947

Ninth Circle Supply Key                        00031946

Underworld Outfitters Supply Key                00031945

My Tenpenny Tower House Key                    0001522E

Armory Key                            00080C26

Bannon's Key                            000A1BE4

Bannon's Room Key                        0007CF5C

Billy Creel House Key                        000430D2

Brass Latern Door Key                        000430D1

Cantelli's Room Key                        0007CF0A

Church Of Atom Key                        000430CA

Craterside Supply Key                        0001FF13

Danver's Key                            000A1BEE

Diego's Key                            000A2828

Doctor Li's Key                            000A1BE3

Dr. Preston's Room Key                        0007CF5E

Flak And Shrapnel's Room Key                    0007CF5D

Grayditch Dumpster Key                        00060931

Hangar Key                            000ABEBA

Hargrave's Key                            000A282D

Jericho House Key                        000430CB

Leo's Stash Key                            000BE3DB

Lucas Simms House Key                        000430CC

Lucy West House Key                        000430CD

Megaton Clinic Key                        000430D3

Mei Wong's Key                            000A282C

Mister Burke House Key                        000430CE

Mister Lopez's Key                        000A2830

Moriarty's Office Key                        00087D86

Moriarty's Saloon Supply Key                    00020479

My Megaton House Key                        000151E4

Nathan And Maya House Key                    000430D0

Overseer's Office Key                        0002E0B4

Ridgefield Gate Key                        0006B5B3

Rocksalt's Key                            000B5C6B

Saint Monica's Key                        000A2826

Seagrave Holme's Key                        000A1BEB

Seagrave Holme's Room Key                    0007CE57

Staley's Key                            000A1BEA

Staley's Room Key                        0007CF3C

Ted Strayer's Key                        000A2831

Ted Strayer's Special Key                    0002B8DA

Vera Weatherly's Key                        000A1BEF

Vera Weatherly's Room Key                    0007CF64

Young's Key                            000A1BE8

Zimmer's Key                            000A1BE7

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