《暗黑破坏神3》公测Bug修复 未授权账号无法进入
- 来源:北方网
- 作者:Yeah理枫
- 编辑:ChunTian
We'd like to thank everyone who has participated in the Diablo III beta. You've done an admirable job of testing, and we greatly appreciate all of the feedback you provided during this critical phase of development。
In preparation for the launch of Diablo III on Tuesday, May 15, the beta servers will be brought offline onTuesday, May 1. At that time, all beta accounts and character information will be reset. Leading up to Diablo's May 15 launch date, players will only be able to create comments and forum posts on the official Diablo III community site if they have pre-purchased Diablo III or have a StarCraft II or an active World of Warcraft game license attached to their Battle.net account. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to stay tuned to this website for exciting news and updates regarding the upcoming release。
Thank you again for your participation, and we'll see you soon on Battle.net!

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