- 来源:魔羯鱼的游园
- 作者:被强煎的yu
- 编辑:ChunTian
官方游戏开发人员Ben Bishop发布的一篇关于MC模式的游戏介绍,如有不准确或理解有误的地方,欢迎大家批评指正。
Hi everyone! My name is Ben Bishop, and I’m a Senior Producer here at Visual Concepts. I spend most of my time working on all things MyCAREER, so I’m here to fill you in on the new and exciting changes we made for the mode in NBA 2K17.
You’ve probably heard about The Prelude by now, but if you haven’t, check out the trailer, or just try it out. It’ll be available on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network on September 9, and it’s completely free! The Prelude covers the college portion of MyCAREER, and has a ton of great content. If you want a head start on your career, or even just to get a taste of what the game is like this year, I promise it’ll be worth your time. But the intent of this blog is to cover everything ELSE you’ll find in MyCAREER, so let’s get started.
你可能听说过我们要发布先行版的事情,但如果你还没有,去看看宣传片(Prelude)吧,你不容错过。玩家们在9月9日就可以在 Xbox Live 和PlayStation Network下载先行版了,它是完全免费的!先行版本将会包括MC模式的大学生涯部分,并且还有数不胜数的精彩游戏内容。如果您想在你的MC生涯中先拔头筹,或者只是想体验一下游戏的内容,我相信它都是值得你去下载的,不过,这篇文章是要带你看遍MC模式的方方面面,所以,让我们开始吧。

Player Creation(球员编辑)
Before we get into any of the main feature details, we should start at the beginning – Player Creation. We completely revamped the way you create your player this year, because in NBA 2K17, it’s more important than ever.
在我们进入任何主要功能的细节之前,我们都应该先创建一个球员,今年我们完全改变了你创造球员的方式,因为在NBA 2k17,它比以往更重要。
First off is the concept of archetypes. You’re not just choosing a position anymore. Now you also choose what type of a player you want to be, and this, in turn, dictates your starting attributes, your ratings cap in each of our 10 attribute categories (up from 6 in 2K16), plus which badges you can upgrade.

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