《极限竞速:地平线3》歌曲列表公布 曲风各异
- 来源:3DM新闻组-Light
- 作者:newtype2001
- 编辑:newtype2001
Turn 10 Studios玩家社群经理Brian Ekberg公布了《极限竞速:地平线3》(Forza Horizon 3)的近150首不完全歌曲列表,分布在8个不同的电台之中,而玩家还可以通过Xbox One和PC平台上的Groove Music播放自己的音乐。
Microsoft Groove拥有“超过4000万首歌曲”,玩家可以将音乐导入到游戏中的播放列表。目前Groove有着30天的免费试用期。
而至于《极限竞速:地平线3》的自带音乐方面,Turn 10为每个电台和播放列表加入了一小段简介。
Vagrant Records
《极限竞速:地平线》与洛杉矶独立唱片公司Vagrant Records达成合作,将不同的独立音乐、硬派摇滚、朋克音乐和情绪摇滚加入到玩家的游戏狂欢之中。来自WATERS的Van Pierszalowski则将包括The 1975、White Lies和blink-182的电音作品加入其中。
“Caught By My Shadow” by Albert Hammond Jr.
“Losing Touch” by Albert Hammond Jr.
“We’ve Had Enough” by Alkaline Trio
“Patience” by Bad Suns
“You’re Not Pretty But You Got It Goin’ On” by Band Of Skulls
“Rival” by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
“Bored to Death” by Blink 182
“Carry Me” by Bombay Bicycle Club
“All Over” by CRUISR
“Weighted” by Frnkiero and the Cellabration”
“Love Like That” by Mayer Hawthorne
“Hard to Love” by MIAMIGO
“See You” by Saves the Day
“Ablaze” by School of Seven Bells
“The Sound” by The 1975
“We’re The Trees” by The A-Sides
“Ten Minutes” by The Get Up Kids
“Blood On The Sand” by Thrice
“What’s Real” by WATERS
“Come On” by White Lies
Epitaph Records
如果你喜欢质朴而又高亢的音乐,那么就要看一看Epitaph的音乐了,这是由Bad Religion的吉他手Brett Gurewitz创办的独立唱片公司。Epitaph Records电台为玩家搜集了一系列最伟大的朋克、重金属和后硬核风格音乐。Bad Religion、The Offspring和Saosin的作品均位列其中。
“Naivety” by A Day to Remember
“This Loneliness” by Avion Roe
“Anxiety” by Bad Religion
“She’s A Blast” by Beautiful Bodies“
“The Gold Song” by Bouncing Souls
“Spineless and Scarlet Red” by Descendants
“It Remembers” by Every Time I Die
“Make Me Dumb” by Joyce Manor
“Elephant” by letlive.
“Raise Your Voice” by Obey The Brave
“Get It Right” by The Offspring
“Greed” by Pennywise
“ISUA” by Plague Vendor
“Fall Back Down” by Rancid
“Racing Toward a Red Light” by Saosin
“Gold” by Sleeping With Sirens
“Palm Dreams” by Touché Amoré
“Come Around” by Transplants

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