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时间:2010-11-08 14:56:00
  • 来源:fantasy_33
  • 作者:batyeah
  • 编辑:ChunTian









1,Lucky,.357 magnum revolver;

dmg/attack: 30 DPS: 82 attacks/sec: 1 spread: 0.3 crit dmg: 30 crit chance: x 2.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 6 skill: Guns strength req.: 3 skill req.: 0 AP: 17 item HP: 225 repair: .357 magnum revolver weight: 2.5 value: 1500 base id: 000E2C86 Lucky不能用任何,.357 magnum revolver的mod

在Primm的Bison Steve Hotel一楼(就是Primm分支任务要救人的地方)地板上的一个保险箱里面(需要75开锁),那个保险箱里面还有本加交易技能的书(是永久加3点的那种,有读书perk加4点)


2,Maria,9mm pistol;

dmg/attack: 20 (depends on Gun skill level) DPS: 74 (depends on Gun skill level) attacks/sec: 1 spread: 0.2

crit dmg: 20 crit chance: x 2 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 13 skill: Guns strength req.: 2 skill req.: 0 AP: 15 item HP: 200 repair: 9mm Pistol weight: 1.5 value: 1000 base id: 000e7655


3,Mysterious Magnum,.44 magnum pistol;

dmg/attack: 42 DPS: 42 attacks/sec: 1 spread: 0.5 crit dmg: 42 crit chance: x 1 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 6 skill: Guns strength req.: 4-6 skill req.: 50 AP: 25 item HP: 150 repair: .44 Magnum weight: 4

value: 3,200 base id: 00127C6C

在118店和El Dorado Gas & Service之间的高速公路上有个公告牌下面有个弹吉他叫The Lonesome Drifter的家伙,你可以杀了他或者和他交易得到(需要50以上的交易技能)。NV有个赌场找演员会找他,招募到了他以后他会跑到那个赌场,然后这把枪也会出现在物品栏可供偷了。

4,Weathered 10mm pistol,Weathered 10mm pistol;

dmg/attack: 21 DPS: 68 attacks/sec: 3.05 spread: 0.5 crit dmg: 5 crit chance: x 2 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 12 skill: Guns strength req.: 4 skill req.: 0 AP: 17 item HP: 110 repair: 10mm pistol weight: 3.00 value: 1200 base id: 001734D4 可用的mod:Extended Magazine (+4 Rounds per Magazine) Laser Sight (Decrease bullet spread & Laser sight effect) Silencer (Reduced limb Damage, but enemies can't hear the gunshot)



5,Ranger Sequoia,.45-70 Gov't Hunting Revolver;

dmg/attack: 68 DPS: 104 attacks/sec: 1.68 spread: 0.1 crit dmg: 62 crit chance: x 1.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 5 skill: Guns strength req.: 6 skill req.: 75 AP: 30 item HP: 80 repair: Hunting Revolver

weight: 4.00 value: 1024 base id: 00129A44

Camp Golf里Hanlon身上,想要拿除了杀他,还有贴首所说的代换法

同时一般的Veteran Rangers有时也会带这把枪。


下面是引用dreizehn于2010-11-03 12:45发表的:

Ranger Sequoia

可以在Return to Sender这个任务最后选择举报Hanlon。当你一踏出他的办公室他就锁门开始广播最后的遗言,然后举枪自杀,之后门会打开,Ranger Sequoia就掉在他尸体旁的地上。

6,That Gun, 5.56mm rounds revolver;

dmg/attack: 18 DPS: 67 attacks/sec: 3.75 spread: 0.5 crit dmg: 18 crit chance: x 2.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 5 skill: Guns strength req.: 6 skill req.: 50 AP: 19 item HP: 225 repair: None weight: 5

value: 1750 base id: 00133058


7,Debug megapistol

dmg/attack: 9999 DPS: 31,246 attacks/sec: 3.125 spread: 0.7 crit dmg: 9 crit chance: x 1 ammo type: 9mm

ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 13 skill: Guns strength req.: 2 skill req.: 0 AP: 17 item HP: 225 repair: 9mm pistol weight: 1.5 value: 100 base id: 001465A6


8,Mysterious Stranger's .44 magnum .44 magnum revolver

dmg/attack: 9001 DPS: 27003 attacks/sec: 3 spread: 0 crit dmg: 9001 crit chance: x 100 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 6 skill: Small Guns AP: item HP: 1000 repair: Scoped .44 magnum weight: 3 value: 0 base id: 00050F92

通过perk the Mysterious Stranger出来的 the Mysterious Stranger身上带的,好像没办法拿到。

9,Abilene Kid LE BB gun, BB gun;

dmg/attack: 4 DPS: 6.153844 attacks/sec: 1.538461 spread: 0.5 crit dmg: 70 crit chance: x 1.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 100 skill: Guns strength req.: 1 skill req.: 0 AP: 28 item HP: 100 repair: BB Gun weight: 2 value: 500 base id: 0015FF5D

在Fields' Shack,在BOOMER城的左下,一般去BOOMER城都会路过这里,他就在进去左边的架子上。

10,La Longue Carabine,.357 Magnumcowboy repeater;

dmg/attack: 32 DPS: 80 spread: 0.2 crit dmg: 32 crit chance: x 1.5 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 11 skill: Guns strength req.: 3-5 skill req.: 434 AP: 18 item HP: 150 repair: Cowboy repeater weight: 5.00 value: 1500 base id: 000f56f5

Camp McCarran里面的Corporal Sterling带着他,你想要拿这把枪的话得杀了他或者打他手把他的枪打下来然后马上收回枪,也许不会和NCR敌对。

11,Boone's Scoped Hunting Rifle,.308 Caliber Round 带瞄准镜的Hunting Rifle,提示说他的Scope和一般Hunting Rifle的Scope有些不一样;

dmg/attack: 45 DPS: 35.52633 attacks/sec: 0.789474 spread: 0.03 crit dmg: 45 crit chance: x 1 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 5 skill: Guns AP: 60 item HP: 650 repair: Hunting rifle weight: 6 value: 2600 base id: 000CE549


12,All-American, 5.56mm round Marksman carbine这把枪有特别的迷彩;

dmg/attack: 26 DPS: 160 attacks/sec: 6 spread: 0.04 crit dmg: 26 crit chance: x 1 ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 24 skill: Guns strength req.: 4 skill req.: 100 AP: 20 item HP: 400 repair: Marksman Carbine weight: 6 value: 5900 base id: 00106FEB

Vault 34的军火库里。

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