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龙腾世纪2控制台详细技能代码 龙腾世纪2技能代码

时间:2011-06-24 12:44:44
  • 来源:woskxn12345
  • 作者:Alvin
  • 编辑:ChunTian


Elemental - 301000 tree (301001 base talent point)

┣Winter's Grasp - 301010

Winter's Blast - 301011

┣Cone of Cold - 301020

Deep Freeze - 301021

┣Fireball - 301030

Searing Fireball - 301031

┣Firestorm - 301040

Apocalyptic Firestorm - 301041

┣Pyromancer - 301050

┣Elemental Mastery - 301060

Primal - 302000 tree (302001 base talent point)

┣Stonefist - 302010

Golem's Fist - 302011

┣Petrify - 302020

Desiccate - 302021

┣Chain Lightning - 302030

Chain Reaction - 302031

┣Tempest - 302040

Strikes Twice - 302041

┣Rock Armor - 302050

┣Galvanism - 302060

Spirit - 303000 tree (303001 base talent point)

┣Spirit Bolt - 303010

Spirit Strike- 303011

┣Dispel Magic - 303020

Transmutation - 303021

┣Walking Bomb - 303030

Corrosive Walking Bomb - 303031

Virulent Walking Bomb - 303032

┣Death Syphon - 303040

Death Vortex - 303041

┣Spirt Mastery - 303050

Arcane - 304000 tree (304001 base talent point)

┣Mind Blast - 304010

Stunning Blast - 304011

┣Barrier - 304020

Arcane Fortress - 304021

┣Crushing Prison - 304030

Paralyzing Prison - 304031

┣Arcane Shield - 304040

Arcane Wall - 304041

Elemental Shield - 304042

┣Elemental Weapons - 304050

Entropy - 305000 tree (305001 base talent point)

┣Hex of Torment - 305010

Death Hex - 305011

┣Horror - 305020

Despair - 305021

┣Misdirection Hex - 305030

Shackling Hex - 305031

┣Sleep - 305040

Coma - 305041

┣Entropic Cloud 305050

Death Cloud - 305051

Creation - 306000 tree (306001 base talent point)

┣Glyph of Paralasys - 306010

Glyph of Binding - 306011

┣Heal - 306020

Greater Heal - 306021

┣Glyph of Repulsion - 306030

Glyph of Defiance - 306031

┣Haste - 306040

Great Haste - 306041

┣Heroic Aura - 306050

Valiant Aura - 306051

Force Mage - 307000 tree (307001 base talent point)

┣Pull of the Abyss - 307010

Edge of the Abyss - 307011

┣Telekinetic Burst - 307020

Telekinetic Blast - 307021

┣Fist of the Maker - 307030

Maker's Hammer - 307031

Maker's Fury - 307032

┣Gravitic Ring - 307040

Gravitic Sphere - 307041

┣Unshakable - 307050

Spirit Healer - 308000 tree (308001 base talent point)

┣Group Heal - 308010

Unity - 308011

┣Revival - 308020

Refusal - 308021

Renewal - 308022

┣Healing Aura - 308030

Faith - 308031

Radiance - 308032

┣Vitality - 308040

┣Second Chance - 308050

Blood Mage - 309000 tree (308001 base talent point)

┣Sacrifice - 309010

Grim Sacrifice - 309011

┣Hemorrhage - 309020

Paralyzing Hemorrhage - 309021

┣Grave Robber - 309030

One Foot In - 309031

┣Bloodslave - 309040

Blood Spatter - 309041

┣Blood Magic - 309050

Bloodlust - 309051

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