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时间:2007-12-05 14:12:33
  • 来源:alphayhm
  • 作者:不死鸟
  • 编辑:ChunTian

将 main/iw_11.iwd 的档案用winrar 打开, 可以见到各种武器的真实数据 (游戏内的数据假的)

Here are some numbers straight out of main/iw_11.iwd

每把武器瞄准的时候会变得无限准, 枪附带的准星顶点就是子弹的着点

Every weapon (sans shotguns) has perfect 0 spread when sighted. Tip of the sight is where the bullet will go.

突击步枪 - 全部射程皆有 1500-2000. 当加上灭声器的时候, 射程缩短至750-1500

当距离超过1500 时候, (子弹)攻击力会跌至第二个数字并继续飞行

ASSAULT - All have a range of 1500-2000. When silenced, the range becomes 750-1500.

After 1500 range, damage gradually drops to the second number and continues on after 2000 at that lower value.

(DMG = 攻击力; ROF = 射速)


DMG: 40 - 30 | ROF: .065 (925~ rounds per minute)


DMG: 40 - 30 | ROF: .085 (700 rounds per minute)

The AK47 is the only weapon that has a damage decrease when silenced (40-20).


DMG: 30 - 20 | ROF: .07 (850~ rounds per minute)


DMG: 40 - 30 | ROF: .05 (RPM irrelevant) / Semi


DMG: 30 - 20 | ROF: .08 (750 rounds per minute)


DMG: 50 - 40 | ROF: .05 (RPM irrelevant) / Semi


DMG: 40 - 30 | ROF: .1 (600 rounds per minute)


冲锋枪 - 武器(攻击力;射速;射程) 所以灭音了的射程都减至350-700 以及Skorpion 减至100-300.

SMG - weapon(damage;firerate;range) All silenced ranges are decreased to 350-700 and the Skorpion to 100-300.

MP5 (40-30 ; 800RPM / 750-1000)

Skorpion (50-20 ; 850RPM / 200-400)

AKs74u (40-20 ; 800RPM / 750-1000)

Uzi (30-20 ; 950RPM / 750-1000)

P90 (30-20 ; 925RPM / 750-1000)


轻机枪 - SAW 及RPD 的射程一样, 但明显RPD 的攻击力为高. M60 有1000-1500 射程

LMG - The range for the SAW and RPD are irrelevant as the damage does not change. M60 has 1000-1500 range

M249 SAW

DMG: 30 - 30 | ROF: .065 (925~ rounds per minute)


DMG: 40 - 40 | ROF: .085 (700 rounds)


DMG: 50 - 40 | ROF: .01 (600 rounds)


散弹枪 - 两把每枪每发都会射出八粒散弹, W1200射程为 300-600; M1014 射程为300-500. 当使用准星时, 子弹会更分散

SHOTGUN - Both fire eight hitscans/shot, and have a range of 300-600 (Winchester 300-500). They are also unique in that when sighted, the spread becomes WIDER.

Winchester 1200

DMG: 40 - 10 | ROF: .283 (200~ shells per minute) / Pump

SPR: 4 hip spread, 5.5 sight spread


DMG: 30 - 10 | ROF: .2 (300 shells per minute) / Semi

SPR: 5 hip spread, 5.5 sight spread


狙击枪 - 五把狙击枪的威力一样, 随你喜好用那一把

全部攻击力皆是 70-70


Dragunov (SVD) 有着更大的后座力

SNIPER RIFLE - All five rifles are very much the same; what you pick is personal preference.

All do 70-70 damage.

All have the same level of sway and accuracy (existing Anti-Lag & Lerp issue notwithstanding).

Dragunov has more kick than the rest.


手枪 - Beretta, USP 及1911 攻击力皆是40-20, Desert Eagle 及Gold Eagle 攻击力为50-30.

PISTOL - The Beretta, USP and 1911 all do 40-20 damage, Desert Eagle and Gold Eagle do 50-30.

BER: 250- 500 range ;15 rounds ; 150-350 silenced

USP: 450-1000 range ;12 rounds ; 250-650 silenced

COL: 350- 900 range ; 8 rounds ; 250-500 silenced

DEA: 350-1200 range ; 7 rounds ; no silencer


Stopping Power (perk2 增加攻击力的perk) 及Sonic Boom (perk2 增加爆炸威力的perk) Perks 用一条很简单的方程式

增加后的攻击力 = 原本的攻击力乘以 (100 + 原本的攻击力) 除以100

40 攻击力加到100. 140 再除以100. 得出的1.4 系数再乘到原本的攻击力去, 就会得出新的攻击

The Stopping Power and Sonic Boom Perks use a simple formula.

New Damage = damage multiplied by (100+damage) divided by 100

40 damage added to 100. 140 divided by 100. 1.4 is multiplied to the original damage, leading to the new enhanced damage.

30(攻击力) x 1.3(系数) = 39 攻击力

40(攻击力) x 1.4(系数) = 56 攻击力

50(攻击力) x 1.5(系数) = 75 攻击力

30 x 1.3 increases it to 39

40 x 1.4 increases it to 56

50 x 1.5 increases it to 75

C: 攻击力愈大, 效果愈明显

The higher the initial damage, the greater the effect.


Juggernaut (perk1 加血的那个perk) 减少子弹及爆炸的25% 伤害. 换句话说, 你变的有135 hp.

另Juggernaut 可以消除了Stopping Power & Sonic Boom 的加成.

Juggernaut decreases damage from bullets and explosions. Damage is decreased to 75%. In another sense, you have 135 health.

Juggernaut cancels out Stopping Power and Sonic Boom as well - no increased damage, no reduced damage.



-G36C 明显比M4 弱 - 尽管数据表不是这样说 (原文照译)

- 原本有一把攻击力为100 的AW.50, 但游戏最后并没有加入


Some notes:

- Distance units are something resembling inches.

- The G36C is clearly worse than the M4 in every way possible - though that's not what the stats chart say

- Hardcore mode reduces player health to 30, Old School increases it to 200.

- There was an AW50 weapon that was supposed to deal 100 damage per shot, but it was not included.

- Maximum shot travel distance for any bullet in the game is about 350 m.

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