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杀手5挑战及收集物品项目翻译 杀手5收集物品一览

时间:2012-12-10 10:35:24
  • 作者:皮卡王
  • 编辑:ChunTian

第七关 Welcome to Hope


Challenge Conditions and Criteria
Chameleon Collect the  following Disguises (see Items): Hope Police Officer, Truck Driver, Hope  Bouncer 收集制服:警察,货车司机,保安
Evidence Collector Collect the  evidence 收集证据,在Great Balls of  Fire的办公室里
Infiltrator Complete the  chapter without being spotted.
Suit Only Complete the  chapter without using a disguise.
Chew the Fat Get to the  Bartender without starging a barfight. 不引发打斗地找到酒保
Clear the Air Start a bar  fight, get to the bartender, but do not participate in the barfight. 引发打斗,找到酒保,但不参与打斗
Ali Knock out all  the bouncers in the bar. You can do this during the barfight. 在打斗中击倒所有保安。注意是穿短袖的保安,其他的尽量别打,不够血要记得去药箱
Duck and Cover Do not get  hit in the barfight. Completing Clear the Air will meet this challenge. 打斗中不被击中,即不参与打斗
Just Passing Through Clear mission
Item Location
Disguise - Truck Driver The red shirt  enemies in this chapter. 货车司机制服,红色衣服
Disguise - Hope Police Officer The policmen  in desert tan. 警察制服
Disguise - Hope Bar Bouncer The guys with  the roadije t-shirts. 酒吧保安,短袖衣服
JAGD P22G Handgun used  by the Hope Police Department 警察配枪
Worn Z&M Model 60 Some enemies  use this weapon. 左轮
Mustang Snub Some enemies  use this weapon. 另一种左轮
HX UMP Kane  (from Kane and Lynch) has  this weapon. Have 47 take him out by the jukebox to collect this item. 冲锋枪,只有Kane和Lynch有这种枪
Police M590 12GA Found in the  bar office with the evidence. 散弹枪,在酒吧里,跟证据一起
Bottle (Steak Sauce) The red  bottle is steak sauce (or ketchup) and found in the back of the bar on the  tables across from the bartender. 红色瓶子
Baseball Bat The restroom  has a stall with this item. 棒球棍,在洗手间
Bill Spike On the  counter top of the bar. 钉座,吧台上插账单用的
Keycard The left  staircase has this item which allows access to the bar's security office. 钥匙牌,左边楼梯扶手上
Metal Pipe Found in the  bar 金属管,酒吧里
Glass On one of the  pool tables in the back, there is a mug of beer that 47 can take. Doing so  starts a barfight, if none is in progress already. 玻璃杯,右侧的第一张桌球枱上
Plunger In the  bathroom 通厕所用的活塞,厕所里
Tomahawk On the dart  board next to the bartender's counter. 战斧,在飞镖靶附近,吧台旁
Bottle Empty beer  bottles are found in abundance 普通瓶子,青色
Hula Girl A toy doll  found in the front of the bar, where the bouncers stop 47 from proceeding  further. 玩具娃娃,一开始左侧的门旁


第八关 Birdies Gift


Challenge Conditions and Criteria
Chameleon Collect the  following Disguises (see Items): Hope Policeman 收集制服:警察制服
Evidence Collector Collect the  evidence 收集证据:在靶场中央的秘密仓库里,从坑道过去,需要钥匙牌
Infiltrator Complete the chapter  without being spotted.
Suit Only Complete the  chapter without using a disguise.
Depends on the Girl Lose the  shooting contest 输掉射击比试
Bullseye Win the  shooting contest by scoring over 471 points 赢得射击比赛,获得471环以上
Assassins Signature Win the  shooting contest by scoring over 471 points using 47's Silverballers 用47的标准配枪赢得比赛,获得471环以上
Ultramax Win the  shooting contest by scoring over 471 points using the Ultramax weapon. 用Ultramax赢得射击比赛,获得471环以上
It Wouldn't Be Stealing Do not enter  the contest, collect the Silverballers and clear the mission 不参加比赛,直接取回自己的双枪,完成任务
Shiver Me Timbers Fire the  cannon on the gun range by shooting the fuse. 射击大炮的火绳,激发大炮
Duck Hunting Destroy 10  duck targets in the indoor gun range. 打掉10个鸭子靶
Choosing Weapons Clear mission
Up Your Arsenal Part 1 Stick to your  guns. All of time.用开局自带的手枪赢得比赛
Up Your Arsenal Part 2 Stick to your  guns. All of time.用Ultramax赢得比赛
Up Your Arsenal Part 3 Use all the  guns in the level to win the contest. (Needs to be confirmed) 用狙击枪赢得比赛。记住开始比赛时必须是拿着狙击,比赛结束时也是,中间可以用手枪。Part 1/2/3都要独立完成,就是完成了1要restart,再重新做2
Item Location
Disguise - Hope Policeman The cops in  the store are prime targets. You may have to massacre a few people to get the  disguise. 警察制服
Worn Z&M Model 60 Used by a few  enemies here. 左轮
SA .44 Auto 47 uses  Wade's weapon for protection by default. 本关47的默认配枪
Silver Baller 47's weapons  are the main goal of clearing this level. 47的惯用的双枪
Swiss 3000 Check the gun  store's shelves 手枪,在枪店的架子
Ultramax Get the  keycard and enter the secret survival bunker on the gun range for this item. 轻机枪,取钥匙牌进入秘密仓库取得
Pink Aries Charging Ram The cowgirl  who challenges 47 to a shooting contest has this item. There is also another  one lying around in the restricted offices of the owner. 女牛仔用的左轮枪,还有一把在禁止进入的办公室内
HX AP-15 Check the gun  store's shelves 自动步枪,枪店架子上
HX UMP Check the gun  store's shelves 冲锋枪,枪店架子上
M590 12GA Lynch  (from Kane and Lynch) has  this weapon on the gun range. Have 47 take him out to collect the item. 散弹枪,干掉Lynch可得到
Kazo TRG The sniper  rifle is in the gun range trench that stretches out from the bunker entrance.  狙击枪,坑道尽头
Gasoline Can Many are  found in the secret survival bunker. 汽油罐,秘密仓库内
Baseball Bat Found in the  gun store 枪店内,棒球棍
Keycard On the back  counter of the store's cashier area. 钥匙牌,在收银区后面的柜台
Metal Pipe Found around  the range and in the store. 金属棍,店内
Key The safe in  the owner's range office has this item, which opens the case to 47's  Silverballers. 店主的办公室里的保险箱内,用来取得47的配枪
Notebook Item with the  safe combination holding the Silverball case Key. One is carried by the store  owner, the other is in the survival bunker. 笔记本,一个店主带着,另一个在仓库,用于取得钥匙
Radio Found in the  store 收音机,店内


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  • 类型:动作游戏
  • 发行:史克威尔艾尼克斯
  • 发售:2012-11-20(PC)
  • 开发:Io Interactiv
  • 语言:英文
  • 平台:PC PS3 XBOX360
  • 标签:科幻暴力杀手游戏全系列潜行

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