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时间:2023-04-21 17:13:57
  • 来源:steam
  • 作者:永恒喵
  • 编辑:空房间的孤寂


其它 (Others)

工具锤和扳手是造不出来的, 搜刮的时候记得拿.

Tool hammers and wrenches cannot be crafted, so remember to take some when looting.

大号油桶和塑料桶是最大的容器, 看到了记得拿.

Large fuel container and plastic bucket are the largest fluid containers, remember to take them when you see them.

下雨天接点生水放着, 生水是硫酸的原料(净水不行).

On rainy days, remember to collect some contaminated water, and it is one of the materials for sulfuric acid production (clean water cannot).

生水还有硫酸硝酸可以直接放在化学台里, 不需要用容器装.

Water (contaminated and clean), sulfuric acid and nitric acid can be placed directly in the chemical bench, no need to use containers.


There are a lot of water bottles and tin cans on the beach (that is, the east coast).

不要养成喝软饮和吃罐头的习惯, 因为这玩意指不定哪天会变质(保质期随机太大), 变成饮料刺客. 身上随身带净水(永不变质), 以及煎肉排(3天变质, 所以你会时常检查).

Don’t develop the habit of drinking soft drinks and eating canned food, because this things may spoil one day (the shelf life is randomly too widely), and sometimes gives you a surprise. Bring clean water with you (never spoil), and fried steak (3 days spoilage, so you will not forget to check every now and then).

尽快做背包, 手搓布背包, 工作台做皮背包, 这是最大的背包, 比登山包还大.

Craft a backpack as soon as possible, a fabric backpack can be crafted directly, or leather backpack on a workbench, this is the largest backpack, bigger than other bags.

电池除了供应手电之外, 还是修理瞄准镜的材料之一, 记得拿点.

In addition to supplying the flashlight, the battery is also one of the materials for repairing the sight, remember to take some.

如果出现低烧, 大概率是熬夜导致, 解决办法就是造个水井, 然后往死里喝水(直到36°C), 因为喝水能降温.

If a low-grade fever occurs, it is most likely caused by staying up late. The solution is to build a well and drink water as much as you can (I mean, non-stopping until your body temperature reduces to 36 °C), because drinking water can cool down your body.

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  • 类型:冒险游戏
  • 发行:INDIECN
  • 发售:2023-03-30
  • 开发:Leven Liu
  • 语言:简中 | 英文
  • 平台:PC
  • 标签:丧尸开放世界国产

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