- 来源:steam
- 作者:永恒喵
- 编辑:空房间的孤寂
怪物分析 (Monsters)
目前觉得最恶心的怪物就是那种全身插满钢筋的丧尸, 用枪打基本是跳弹, 很难造成有效伤害, 最好用散弹枪打, 另外用近战武器攻击也很nice.
If you encounter a zombie with full of steel bars that can reject bullets, try to use a shotgun or a melee weapon.
由于高达周围一般会有很多丧尸, 所以其实很好对付. 去集装箱基地中间的那个带密码锁的货柜拿轻机枪(必刷, 但型号随机), 就能轻松在高达和丧尸的混战中干掉它.
The robot in military base is easy to hunt, because there will be lots of zombies around the robot. You can destroy the robot when it fighting to zombies.
熊的攻击就是蓄力扑杀(直线), 横向走位就很轻松对付. 另外, 这货没多少血, 很容易击杀. 掉落也全是有用的东西, 见到了千万别放过.
Bears are easy to hunt, their attack mode is straight line culling, it is easy to dodge by move aside, and they do not have much HP.
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